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SANDIS 7 Releases
There’s always a lot of new stuff happening in SANDIS, and we know it can be hard to keep up with all the latest updates. That’s why we’ve provided this press section, where you can stay in the know. From SANDIS 7 to SANDIS Mobile, you’ll find it all right here.

Updated: Dec 10, 2021


SANDIS 7.5 Updates

POS Bridge – A new field was added to the POS Bridge selection screen which allows you to select records by POS Begin date.

POS Bridge – The POS Bridge report will now display the Service Coordinator’s caseload code on the report of Authorizations created. This can help to identify the Service Coordinator or Unit where the client is assigned.

POS Program – The POS header section has been enhanced to display the Service Coordinator Name and Waiver Eligibility flag.

POS Program – A new button called, “Go To Auths” will automatically display when the answer to the question, “Does this Replace An Existing Service?” is Yes. Clicking this button will take you to the Authorization Change screen where you can review, modify, or cancel the existing authorization. When you exit this section, you will return to the POS screen that you were working on.

POS Program – Manager Approval screen has been updated to display a new column for “Start Date” and “Service/Sub Code.” This should provide additional helpful information about the services waiting for Manager approval.

T19 Management Reports – You will now have the option to export the T19 Summary Report or the T19 Interactive Report to Excel.

Welcome Screens – We have redesigned the “Attention Items” section at the bottom of the Welcome Screen. When you click on any of the tabs, like SIRs, POS, IPP, etc. the list will now only display those items.

Updated: Dec 10, 2021


SANDIS 7.4 Updates

Authorization Changes – A new splash screen was created to direct the user to complete the correct section for the auth change they want to make (i.e. Increase/Reduce, Cancel, Extend and Other Changes).

Client Financial Section – A new page called “Accounts” was created under the Financial Section of the client record, where staff can track CalABLE and Special Needs Trust Accounts.

Client Financial Section – A new field was added to the Benefits tab under the client Financial section for “Other” benefits such as the new CalFresh, Railroad Retirement and any additional benefits needed.

Client Medical Section – A new field was added to the Health Providers section under the client Medical tab for “Date of Last Visit.” This will assist service coordinators to track their client’s visits.

Vendor SIR Entry Program – a new program for Service Providers has been created and currently in pilot phase. This new program allows service providers to enter Special Incident Reports directly into SANDIS and submit them to their service provider electronically.

Updated: Dec 10, 2021


SANDIS 7.3 Updates

Client Financial Section – A new field called “Medi-Cal Renewal Month” was added on the Insurance tab under Financial Section of the client record, to assist Benefit Coordinators and others who need to identify the Clients Medi-Cal Renewal.

Client Guardian Section – A new field for “Educational Rights” was added to the Client Guardian tab.

POS Program – The POS program was modified to increase the maximum number of services to 25 Services, that can be added when creating a Multiple Services POS request. This change will assist staff when creating authorizations for Self-Determination clients. A summary total was also added to the screen.

Resource Vendor File – A new Error Message was created to help prevent Resource and QA staff from creating a new vendor records using a duplicate Alpha Key code. The vendor record will now onlybridge from SANDIS into UFS, if the Alpha Key is a unique value. Prior to this check, you would not have known this was a problem unless referring to the Vendor Interface reports.

Staff Transfer & Password Reset – These new programs were added for IT team members responsible for transferring staff codes in SANDIS or when resetting passwords after disabling user codes.

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